From the Churchwardens -
SUNDAY, 31st MAY, 2020 (Pentecost) As we are heartened by the very slight ‘relaxation of the rules’ announced at Thursday tea time, there have been other recent positive moves – Peter, with Alison, continues once a week and on behalf of the community to celebrate Holy Communion at St Mary’s, Woodbridge, while John, with Mary, does similarly at St Mary’s, Great Bealings. Meanwhile, assuming that we may still be in the era of social distancing when it happens, we have begun to plan for the time when the church will be re-opened … One of us has been reminiscing: ‘Last year Pentecost/Whit Sunday was 9th June and quite a different atmosphere and feeling from this year. My husband and I were in a boat on Windermere Lake after spending several days in the Border Country with our daughter and son-in-law in their home. We were free to wander around Bowness and eat in restaurants and visit shops and bars. No social distancing rules, nor hand sanitising. Now we are waiting, watching and praying to see our families again: especially our church family and friends. The disciples waited and Jesus came and they set out.’
As we continue to care for each other and look forward, please accept our love, prayers and best wishes for you, your family and friends.
Barbara and Veronica