Climate Sunday came to Woodbridge
How we get from A to B, how we heat our homes, what we buy and how we interact with nature are all issues which came under the spotlight on Climate Sunday which was organised locally on the 19th September 2021,on Kingston Field by Churches Together Woodbridge & Melton.
The Woodbridge event included high profile speakers covering such topics as net zero emissions, recycling, our natural world and how we can all live a greener life. Speakers included Professor Peter Hobson on the creation of a greener Woodbridge, Green Party Parliamentary candidate Rachel Smith-Lyte and the Revd Richard Stainer who examined the carbon net zero conundrum. The Suffolk Wildlife Trust, Sustrans, the walking and cycling charity, and Transition Woodbridge all took stands at the event which was designed to focus attention on climate change prior to COP26, the critical international climate negotiations in Glasgow during November.
“There has never been a more important time for UK churches to come together to pray, act locally and speak up nationally on the climate crisis and on the need to build back greener" noted Andy Atkins, CEO of Christian nature conservation charity A Rocha UK, and Chair of the Climate Sunday coalition.