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  • Parish Office



How wonderful it has been this week to see its doors open and people returning to the church! From small beginnings, we have established that our plans to facilitate Private Prayer are apparently safe and workable and so are delighted to have been able to extend the original arrangements, thanks to the very keen offers of help made to provide a ‘welcoming band’. Please see the news sheet for all the opening times.

Another new venture on Thursday was B&V’s T@3. Seven of us had a chat via Zoom. Details of a similar event may be found on the next page and indeed of the alternative offer of a phone call.

As mentioned last week, Andy Todd will be made a Locally Licensed Minister (LLM) on Saturday 27th June in an online ceremony, ordained Deacon in the autumn at the Cathedral and then train as Assistant Curate in the parish. We continue to be very pleased about all of this and ask that you pray (at 11 am and in your own home) for him and Sue, as they begin this new phase in their lives.

As we look to the future and continue to care for each other, please accept our love, prayers and best wishes for you, your family and friends.

Barbara and Veronica


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