“ I am the bread of life,” Jesus told them. “ Those who come to me will never be hungry: those who believe in me will never be thirsty……”
In our Gospel reading this Sunday, the people are talking with Jesus about bread and asking him for a miracle. He told them that they must believe in God; if they did, they would never be “ hungry”. They did not understand!
What do you think Jesus meant when he said “ I am the bread of life.” ?
Today, we celebrate LAMAS DAY, along with many other people around the world. It is a very OLD celebration day.
On this day, farming communities would gather the very first wheat grain; make it into loaves of bread and take it to church to be blessed. It marked the beginning of the harvest season. Lamas Day is also known as the FEAST OF THE FIRST FRUITS.
Jesus used the symbol of bread often to teach people about life with God. He broke, blessed and shared bread with his friends. In church, at the Eucharist, the bread is blessed, broken and shared with us; and we remember the life, death and resurrection of Jesus.
Jesus is our “bread of life”….. if we believe in him, we will never be hungry.
For activity sheets please go to Junior Church webpage