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From the Churchwardens...

Parish Office

At the time of writing, and as he enters a short period of virtual retreat, our thoughts and prayers are with Andy Todd, who will be licensed as a Lay Minister on Saturday 27th June in an online ceremony. We ask that you pray (at 11 am and wherever you are at the time) for him and Sue, as they begin this new phase in their lives, and look forward to when he will be ordained Deacon in the Autumn and train as Assistant Curate in the parish.

It has been a joy to see people continuing to return to the church building for the first time since March and, with its high roof and two doors wide open, plus the other measures in place, it is being deemed by many to ‘feel safe’. However, we must not lower our vigilance and, as many of you will have seen in the Diocesan E-news, or can view at, Bishop Martin is encouraging all to take a cautious approach at this time, as we await detailed guidance from HM Government for moving towards public worship. We would hope to bring you news relating to our parish in next week’s news sheet.

We have been pleased to receive a new church flag (the blue ‘MARIA’ on yellow ground) as a gift to all of us from Kevan, to mark his retirement after almost twenty years as our Rector. (The Union Flag, flying for much of the lockdown, to mark ‘a period of national emergency’, will remain in place until the end of Sunday, 5th July, the ‘birthday’ of the National Health Service, and then the usual rota will be resumed)

As we continue to care for each other in these times of great change, please accept our love, prayers and best wishes for you, your family and friends.

Barbara and Veronica


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