Update on Coronavirus Issues 17 March 2020
Greetings to All
We hope that you are keeping safe in the light of the guidelines issued nationally (about hygiene and 'what to do') Coronavirus information: Three posters
and the Prime Minister's Speech https://www.gov.uk/government/speeches/pm-statement-on-coronavirus-16-march-2020
You may have become aware that Public Worship has been suspended within the Church of England.
Details may be found at Welcome | The Church of England
where there is a letter from both Archbishops
and Coronavirus (COVID-19) Guidance for Churches.
Bishop Martin has also sent a letter.
He stresses the need to Care for Others (within the parameters of personal hygiene and 2m social distancing)
- By phone
- By offering practical help, e.g. shopping
- By replenishing food banks
and gives guidelines for sustaining a life of Prayer and Worship (Please see below, plans for St Mary's) and some practical suggestions for all:
1) Families and individuals should be encouraged to join in their own daily prayers using resources such as those on the Church of England website here, including joining in live streaming of acts of prayer and worship. (I am acutely aware that access to the internet is not available to everyone so ask you to help people secure paper resources – observing hygiene protocols in doing so).
2) Morning Prayer is being livestreamed from my Oratory every morning at 8.30am, Monday to Saturday, on the Bishops’ Facebook page @BishopsCofEsuffolk. You may want to follow these daily offices in the Common Worship Daily Prayer book, or on the App “Daily Prayer”
3) Evening Prayer is being livestreamed from the Cathedral Monday to Saturday at 5.30pm on the Cathedral Facebook page @Stedscathedral
4) Sunday morning eucharist will be celebrated just for the cathedral team every Sunday, under strict protocols, and will be livestreamed from 10.30am, again on the Cathedral Facebook page @Stedscathedral
5) Many of these services will also be available after they have taken place on the Diocesan website
https://www.cofesuffolk.org/ where all links in relation to coronavirus situation are on the home page.
6) Bishops Martin and Mike will continue to make a weekly blog of reflections of what we are going through in the light of the gospel readng for each Sunday.
He concludes with his love and prayers for us all
1. We all continue to exercise our usual care for each other - through prayer, by phone and in practical ways (within the parameters of personal hygiene and 2m social distancing)
2. We build a phone tree, in which as many households as possible appear, so that contact is maintained, with 2 or three other households, over and beyond our own usual close friendships. (If you have not been contacted through or about this by Sunday 23rd, please do e-mail Veronica or the Parish Office with your phone number and we will ensure that your household is included)
3. We may use the church for private prayer and reflection (subject to using hand sanitiser on entering and leaving and 2m social distancing)
4. We will continue to have a 'pew sheet' (news sheet?) on our own website https://www.stmaryswoodbridge.org/ If possible, it will also be sent out electronically and, subject to hygiene requirements, paper copies will be placed in church.
5. Daily Prayers and the Eucharist will continue to be said, not as services open to all, but as acts of prayer and worship offered for our nation and world.
6. We will continue to respond to the guidance we are given, as it develops in response to the changing situation, appreciating (the words of Bishop Martin) who 'urges us all to realise we are in this for the long haul, sp let's pace ourselves and not feel we have to sort everything out at once'.
More news will follow ...
With our love
Barbara and Veronica
1 Corinthians 12:14
We are one, we are strongest working together in unity. Teamwork is the key to living life in harmony, so that we can do God's will.