It does not seem possible that it is nearly three weeks since Father Nigel and Liz became Woodbridge residents. More recently they have been joined by ‘Polly’. It is welcome news indeed to have a dog back at the Rectory – and a black Labrador at that! The Church Centre has not seemed the same without lots of chatter and laughter from our various users and hirers, but it has been heartening at least to be able to begin talking about potential returns. Nothing is yet set in stone, as there is much to be established between those offering rooms and/or other facilities and those wishing to use them. However, it is a definite start. Recently, we have been able to tell the Mum of a young child, who professed to be missing everyone at church, that – on our part - the feeling was entirely mutual. Like so many people, we are looking forward to the time when both of our buildings are able again to ‘burst at the seams’ with wall-to-wall people of all ages! On Pages 13 & 14 you will be able to see, in the words of John and Peter, how our church responded from March to May to the principal Coronavirus-related instructions from Bishop Martin. The entries in our Services Register make interesting reading … It remains comforting to know that we met the ‘We’re Good to Go’ criteria of VisitEngland, the National Tourist Board of England and are able to display the striking green and white logo. We hope that you are making the most of the summer and, as we continue to care for each other, please accept our love, prayers and best wishes for you, your family and friends.